Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

April 1, 2017

What is the STEP program?

STEP stands for Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. It’s a free government program designed to make travel abroad safer for US citizens by providing three distinct services:

  • STEP will send you safety and security information related to your destination. This makes it easier to plan around dangerous conditions.

  • STEP makes it easier for the US Embassy to get in touch with you in an emergency such as a natural disaster, civil unrest, or a family emergency.

  • STEP makes it easier for family and friends to contact you while you are overseas.

STEP’s consular officers, based all around the world, compile country-specific information, travel alerts, travel warnings, fact sheets, and emergency messages, so can stay on top of what’s happening in a country you are visiting or plan to visit. An informed traveler is a safe traveler.


How do I enroll in STEP?

The enrollment process is easy and free, if not a bit counter-intuitive. You start by going to the SMART Enrollment page at Click Create Account in the top right-hand corner. You’ll then agree to the terms, create a username and password, and provide answers to question regarding your identification.

Once you’ve created an account, you can add information about your next trip. Voila! You’re ready to go and you’re safer already!

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More About STEP